Matters just went from Bad to CATACLYSMIC for Rachel Reeves!

3 months ago

Right, so Rachel Reeves has had one heck of a time of it in the last few days, it becoming more and more clear to more and more people that she is the equivalent of an economic drunk driver heading for a crash, unfortunately she’s at the helm of a super-sized people carrier and we’re all along for the ride and another economic crash is looming before us in 3,2 1 and well we all know where that lands and yet again it’ll be put upon ordinary working class of this country to fix it, our incomes will be strangled, our services will decline as the rich will once again get away with being untouched all in the name of continuing to sell the con of capitalism as the answer to all the nations ills.
But on top of disastrous economic policy, the consequences of that budget already being felt, is the fact that Reeves is a woman in a position that she actually should never have attained, if her CV or what is left of it can be believed. Now the CV story might seem a bit of a frivolous thing to some, especially in the media, but it’s really serious. We have somebody who has declared they have experience in things they do not and then you reflect back on Reeves’ own track record and between the two you find yourself doubting anything she’s claimed that she’s qualified to do and when you combine that with what is happening in the economy, the conclusion many will draw is why has she not been sacked already?
Right, so according to Nick Ferrari on LBC there, we’ve all lied on out CV’s have we? Would that account for the standard of your show then Nick? Did you lie on yours? I think was a tacit admission there, don’t you? But I certainly never have. I’d never want to do a job I didn’t think I had the experience or qualifications to do, but it seems some, apparently like Nick Ferrari, certainly like Rachel Reeves have delusions of grandeur and ambitions that supercede ability and so it seems very much to be the case as her CV get’s torn apart publicly, entirely her own doing, but that is secondary to the damage she’s caused as a result of getting where she is today, because today, she is Chancellor of the Exchequer, today she is in control of the nations pursestrings and the fallout from someone seemingly underqualified for that job affects all of us and that far and away is the bigger issue, so I’ll come back to that CV in a moment.
We’re now some three weeks past Labour’s horrendous budget, an omnishambles of a budget, the most appropriate word for it I fancy given Reeves effective copying of George Osborne and his austerity program, so close in fact Osborne himself has even referred to Reeves as a mini me. When Reeves gave a financial statement upon ascending to her post, this was back at the start of August, Osborne, on his podcast with the equally right wing and equally odious red Tory Ed Balls, said it felt like a George Osborne from 14 years ago, and that there was nothing in it he violently disagreed with or not done himself. So seeing similar results, we perhaps shouldn’t be surprised at. Osborne was also underqualified for the post of Chancellor, allegedly he barely passed his maths GCSE and his degree was in history. Now we have another Chancellor seemingly underqualified, who has taken a leaf out of Osborne’s book, perhaps because he got away with it for so long and getting the post she now has, is all that mattered to her, not that she could actually do the job.
The fallout from her economic decisions is what matters most, because we all have to live with her choices and we’re finding out now, as reality bites, what that looks like.
Reeves is tanking the economy for one, just like George Osborne did.
Today, inflation has gone up again, now at 2.3% from a low Labour inherited upon taking power, lets not say inherited from the Tories, they had nothing to do with it, inflation was finally coming down anyway, recovering from their disastrous administration, but when Labour came in, it was down to 1.7%. That was a three year low and Reeves’ budget has sent it straight back up again, all whilst GDP is in reverse, wages are at an all time low in terms of growth and unemployment is up, in no small part due directly to the National Insurance tax hike on employers, who are across the country, now cutting jobs. A wealth tax would have avoided all of that, but Reeves saw no reason to do that. I wonder if it’s dawned on her now, but I doubt it, the main reason politicians don’t tax wealth is because wealth buys influence. The last political leader we had that couldn’t be bought and would have done the right thing, was smeared as a racist and a national pariah and sadly too many in this country bought into that. The status quo must be protected and Reeves, despite her questionable qualifications now, is very much that and frankly that’s the only qualification that really matters to ensure that nothing actually changes.
Also coming in as factors against the economic backdrop Starmer and Reeves are presiding over are the fact that our energy bills are all up by an average of 10% despite us being promised no hikes in those. Those still in work but who tend to be on the lower end of the wage scale, having to commute by bus, have seen themselves effectively get taxed for needing that public transport by a massive 50% and with fuel duty frozen again, that’s a big fat environmental kick in the teeth as far as going green is concerned, a big fat economic bill in the making if governments don’t start taking measures to avoid climate induce expense later on. Short sighted, short term thinking all to the benefit of the gas and oil giants. Those who commute by train have just seen their travel expenses hiked by 16%. Then of course there is the news that between 50 and 100,000 pensioners are set to be affected by her cruel cut to the Winter Fuel Allowance, though I’m sure it’ll warm them up no end to know Ukraine are getting £3bn from us annually for as long as it takes in their war with Russia.
Then there are those who want to study for better paid jobs and their tuition fees get hiked by 13%, which is the compete reverse of investing in the nations future, there is the freeze in the income tax threshold, which means as wages rise in line with inflation, fiscal drag, drags more people into higher tax brackets or into paying income tax for the first time, that’s an effective income tax rise of 2%, and then of course all of our council tax is going up varying from place to place, but most councils, cash strapped as they are are levying the maximum they can without a referendum of 4.99% and if you don’t pay your due within 3 weeks, the bailiffs can sent around to collect the entire years worth of council tax, just one more abuse to kick you in the teeth. None of this not one bit of it, promotes what Starmer and Reeves say they want most of all, what their number one priority is, which is economic growth. I hate that phrase, because resources are finite, therefore growth is finite, what should be strived for is economic health and that can only come by ensuring it works for all of us, and not just those at the top who are the only people who ever seem to see their incomes grow, but that is at the expense of all of us, who contribute to that wealth. They aren’t growth creators of job creators, they are a vacuum that bleed it dry, because we make the economy work, we make it, run when we spend our money and help create jobs, through helping businesses become successful. Economic growth is ground up, not trickle down.
All of this is very much George Osborne style of course, those comparisons just keep on coming, not least in terms of what ever qualified him and Reeves to oversee the nations finances and that of course now brings us back to the matter of Reeves CV and it matters because she lied and where fools like Nick Ferrari can dismiss that out of hand as something we all do, it isn’t. I never have, I have my GCSE’s I have my industrial qualifications that qualify me as a fabricator and welder, I have a degree I did later in life in physics. That is what is on my CV. I know someone will say it, what qualifies you to opine on global politics then? And the truth is absolutely nothing, save an English GCSE a lived experience of being on the receiving end of poor politics, and a desire to call that out. I want nothing more than to be held to account by you who watch for that. Rachel Reeves should want the same, but she chose to lie on her CV and therefore brings into question literally everything on it.
She claimed to have worked as an economist at Lloyds bank Group the Halifax branch of the Bank of Scotland. She did no such thing. She worked in admin, was mid at that reputedly, along with IT support. She was also working as a complaints support manager and that resulted in the Director of Banking Operations weighing in, a guy called Kev Gillett who not only made it quite clear that Reeves was not an economist, but was even embroiled in an expenses scandal. He posted on LinkedIn saying:
‘Can my network please share this factual story. Back in 2009 Rachel Reeves worked 3 levels below me. Just facts. She was a complaints support manager at LBG/HBOS. Not an economist.
Nearly got sacked due to an expenses scandal where the 3 senior managers were all signing off each other’s expenses. Narrow escape.
Then had lots of doctors/dentist visits. So was followed. Turns out she was doing Labour council business. When shown the facts she resigned.’
Reeves was of course elected as an MP the following year in 2010, so the Labour council business evidently paid off, but what didn’t pay off is that over the course of that first parliament, or certainly by the end of it due to a Freedom of Information request in 2015, it was revealed that Reeves, this economist, was one of 19 MPs who had had their parliamentary credit card suspended for unauthorised spending, not able to prove the spending on it and ended up owing more than £4000 on it. She can’t seemingly manage her own expenses, despite all those claims of sitting at the kitchen table with her teacher mother, watching her doing the bills as a child – it didn’t seem to apply to public money when you were able to spend that did it Rachel?
All of this culminates in public thinking that an underqualified liar is in charge of the economy, leading the country with another rampant liar in Keir Starmer. How can we possibly believe anything they say and when Reeves’ decisions directly impact the lives of tens of millions of people, how can she possibly stay in post?
And as for Starmer, well his lies have just blown up in his face after refusing to consider the genocide in Gaza to actually be a genocide. Well he though differently 10 years ago when he was giving evidence at the International Court of Justice on behalf of another country on what was and was not a genocide then and well, if you haven’t seen for yourself the footage of his hypocrisy, then don’t miss this video recommendation as your suggested next watch and I’ll hopefully catch you on the next vid. Cheers folks.

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