3 Golf Quesions - Members

2 months ago

1️⃣ How can I improve without taking lessons?
Focus on targeting, not technique. Use Finger Dispersion to estimate shot variability and make smarter aiming decisions. This minimizes hazards and improves scores quickly, especially for high handicappers. Tools like Trackman are great, but on-course, your fingers are the best resource.

2️⃣ What are the best practices for improving putting?
Prioritize speed control over other components like read and start line. Mastering distance control (10, 20, 30 feet) eliminates 3-putts and increases scoring potential. It’s the most impactful skill for higher handicappers and even skilled players.

3️⃣ Who should I listen to for golf advice?
Seek a coach with a proven track record of helping players achieve goals, not just a swing instructor. Avoid gimmicks or "one-size-fits-all" methods. A good coach understands the game beyond technique and adapts advice to your abilities and goals.


0:00-3:00: How to improve without lessons using targeting and dispersion.
3:01-6:00: Putting improvement through speed control.
6:01-9:00: Choosing the right coach and filtering advice effectively.

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