This Can’t Be True or Can It?

3 months ago

147 children received the Recombivax Hep B vaccine, and based on those 147 children the vaccine was approved to be given to millions of children. Let that sink in, 147 participants is now deemed a clinical trial.

If that isn’t bad enough do you know how long those 147 babies were monitored for. Ready…… 5 DAYS!!! That’s it. Five days. Not five years, not five months—five days. Apparently, according to the FDA long-term effects magically appear in less than a week.

This is the testing that the FDA, and CDC call robust. No gold standard placebo clinical trial, 147 babies monitored for 5 days!!!!!!!! Absolutely insane.

Finding this hard to believe, then follow the click by click instructions to navigate the website to verify for yourself.

If that doesn’t make you question the safety of all vaccines, perhaps the increase in Autism, ADHD, auto immune disease, and SIDS might get you thinking.

To find out more about vaccines visit

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