New Strain of Wheat!

3 months ago

👩‍🔬🔬 Story time with Dr. Anna 👩‍🔬🔬

Buckle up, folks! 🚨 We’re diving into the world of genetic modifications and herbicides, and trust me, it’s a lot more unsettling than you might think.

📢 A new genetically modified strain of wheat, the H4B, just hit the market — and it’s packed with glufosinate, an herbicide that could be sneaking into your food. You thought it was safe to go organic? Think again… this chemical is even creeping into “organic” diets. 😱

💀 Why should you care? Because glufosinate isn’t just a weed killer — it’s designed to wipe out plants. But what happens when it ends up in your bread, breakfast bars, and even your “health-conscious” snacks?

Let’s unpack this GMO mystery, the hidden risks of glufosinate, and how this chemical might be making its way into your grocery cart without you even knowing. It’s time to get informed. 🛒

Tune in nerds....we are talking gut stuff!

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