Week 1: The Power of Taking 100% Responsibility for Your Life and Health

3 months ago

Hey, hey! Andy here from Chronically Healthy Life, and we’re kicking off Week One of our 52-Week Health & Success Journey. Buckle up, because this year, we’re going to have you feeling energized, glowing, and straight-up unstoppable. 💪✨

First things first: if you’re looking for someone to wave a magic wand and fix your health, spoiler alert... It’s not happening. 😬 But here’s the good news: YOU are the magic wand. 🙌

In today’s video, we’re diving into one of the BIGGEST keys to health and success: accountability. Yup, you’re driving this bus, and it’s time to take the wheel. Ready? Let’s go! 🚗💨

Why is accountability the secret sauce?
If you’ve been waiting for a fairy godmother to make your health perfect, it’s time to face the music: you’re the one in charge. And guess what? That’s GOOD news! 🎉 Every choice, every step—your health is in your hands. So, own it, baby, and let’s get that magic flowing!

Excuses, excuses, excuses!
We all have ‘em, right? "I don’t have time," "It’s too hard," "I’ll start tomorrow..." News flash: excuses are just code for "I don’t want to." 😜 So let’s turn those into ACTION steps. How about a quick 15-minute walk, a stretch, or even a dance-off in your living room? 🕺💃 Small shifts = BIG results.

Practical tips to OWN your health
Swap that sugary coffee for tea. Drink water with a pinch of sea salt when you wake up. Simple, easy choices that set you up for success. Trust me, your body will thank you. 💧✨

So here’s your takeaway: Take responsibility, crush those excuses, and make choices that set you up for greatness. Because YOU are the star of this health journey. 🌟

And hey, if you’re ready to jump in with both feet,*book your FREE 30-minute consultation with me. No charge, just a chance to talk about your goals and make this YOUR year of transformation. What are you waiting for? Let’s make Week One the start of something AMAZING!

👉 Click the link below and let’s do this!

#ChronicallyHealthyLife #thefoolishcouple #lifecoach #healthcoach #HealthJourney #OwnIt #NoExcuses #MakeItHappen

Meet Andy Nam and Minna Wong, aka the Foolish Couple, the most entertaining wellness warriors in the galaxy. Andy, the so-called Wizard of Wellness, is a master of functional nutrition, a biohacking guru, a personal trainer with a humorous take on sweat, a bestselling author, and a speaker with a voice that's rumored to heal.

After surviving a dramatic car accident that left him with a plethora of injuries, Andy spent years in the clutches of prescription meds. Disillusioned with traditional medicine, he embarked on a decade-long self-experiment that not only healed him but also showed the world that sheer willpower and savvy research can indeed outdo a medical degree.

Not ones to keep their life-changing discoveries to themselves, Andy and Minna launched Chronically Healthy Life, a platform and movement against chronic illness, championing nutrition, detox, and natural remedies over pharmaceuticals.

As hosts of "Chronically Healthy Life," they offer weekly doses of health magic every Friday at 7 pm CST, with insights from longevity and nutrition experts. If you're seeking a fresh, adventurous take on wellness, look no further than this dynamic duo. But, be warned, they're too cool for autographs—apparently, ink isn't part of a healthy lifestyle.

// F O L L O W
▸ Website | https://www.chronicallyhealthylife.com
▸ / chronicallyhealthylife
▸ twitter | @foolishcouple
▸ email | anything@chronicallyhealthylife.com

#NewNormal, #Success, #KnowWhatYouWant, #LoveWhatYouLive

Disclaimer: This podcast is for information purposes only. Statements and views expressed on this podcast are not medical advice. This podcast including Andrew Nam or Minna Wong disclaim responsibility from any possible adverse effects from the use of information contained herein. Opinions of guests are their own, and this podcast does not accept responsibility of statements made by guests. This podcast does not make any representations or warranties about guests qualifications or credibility. Individuals on this podcast may have a direct or non-direct interest in products or services referred to herein. If you think you have a medical problem, consult a licensed physician.

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