Arizona Clean up Statutes

3 months ago

Here is a video at the National Freedom Meeting that starts the clean up of the Arizona Statutes. We will have every other week on line meetings as well. We are working to clean up the Statutes in Arizona. Our legislators do not want to clean up the unlawful parts of our statutes so we are going to clean them up and get the legislators to change them. We have asked for a clean up and they have run on cleaning up the statutes and they have not done it. The legislature has the power to change or remove anything in a statute with out having to go through a governor for approval. Our government refuses to make changes so we are going to make the changes looking at the constitution and demand them to be fix. We have a lot of work to do but as a group we can do this. The more of Arizona that knows what is really going on with the (laws) Statutes the better our state will be.
You will see as we go along how this will make a difference in your insight and how we can take a hold of our laws in Arizona.
You can go to these websites to download the information to follow along.
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