Vlog 5: Komeback (Aug 28th, 2024)

1 day ago

Here's my 5th vlog, been a long time, hasn't it? I'm not sure if you guys're into them, but I just had a lot on my mind as usual.

Aside from the Complacent Clement being a brown nose y'all should take Logan's advice on never getting your audience overhyped and make false promises, and to NEVER be a snob! I'd also discussed on the preview for Sonic 3, how hectic it was retrieving missing songs from my deceased laptop and organizing them, the roleplay with Liu Kang and that he and Aiko are married and settled down with a baby dragon who's inspired by Caro.

Also, Telekinetics is underway in time for September; just in time for the 2024 school year. Politics suck as always, and I hope Khaos Reigns coming out on Sept. 24th would shut down everything like a damn system crash!

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