CEC #46: Crystal Blanket - Healing Technology Inspired by Nature

3 months ago

This week, I am blessed to have Arthur Franklin and Kirsten Morey join me for an insightful conversation about healing technologies inspired by nature: Crystal Blanket and more!

Crystal Blanket is a soft, luxurious, and lightweight blanket that is made with CrystalPhi Technology - a proprietary blend of 96 essential minerals and crystals ground into a far-infrared crystal fiber and spun with organic cotton.

Crystal Phi Technology is the latest evolution of a lifetime of work from Founder and Innovator, Arthur Franklin. With a focus on Sacred Geometry and Sound Frequency, Arthur has created products to help grow plants, improve water quality, and balance the human body. His ground-breaking work with the revolutionary “Light Table” led to the creation of the unique technology that inspired the world’s first Amethyst Bio mat.

In 2023, Kirsten Morey joined Crystal Phi Technology as co-founder, bringing her passion for nature, shamanic wisdom and years of alternative energy work to the table. This partnership aligns with the duo’s desire to bring forth healing capabilities from nature’s elements and help people feel better with simple tools like the Crystal Blanket.

Learn more here:

Follow on Instagram @crystal-phi.technology

IT MAKES A WONDERFUL GIFT! Purchase a crystal blanket through our AEA affiliate link HERE:
Code to use at checkout: AEA

My personal experience with the blanket as shared on the AEA website:

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Buy Vincents's book, An Old Soul's Guide to the Universe: A Metaphysical Journey to the Mansion Within
https://alternativeeducationalalliance.org/product/osg/ (within the U.S.)
https://www.amazon.com/Old-Souls-Guide-Universe-Metaphysical/dp/B0B1CQWRXQ (outside the U.S.)

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**thumbnail Image by crystalblanket.com/pages/affiliate-program

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