GOV Dora Calderon Jefferson Helps Murder Dr. Bill's Son OTJ (LONG)

3 months ago

So that's what goes on after I leave and they slam every sound-proof door and window shut..
Constant Dave-bashing, murder, slander, ego, pride, and GASLIGHTING.
Now the world clearly knows how awful you are too, Dora.

The b**** was getting paid overtime by the plot my murder from home!
Dora, you can't spell "affair" correctly, and you're a homophobic, monster. Not gay.
Murdery Pa's walked in on me balls deep in pussy rudely in his basement since 2003.
Enjoy your "a fear". Quit bragging about your GOV job that TRIPLE vaxxed you!!!
I was the one fighting for you all to detox.

That makes both GOV moms that have now tried to kill me. Not a good look GOV!
And that's not "hard on my heart" when you die from your booster shot.
Because they "love" you. Kick rocks.

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