[L1ghtwarrior Podcast #001] The Most Savage Un-married-in-your-30's Video Ever

3 months ago

Low luck for men "discovering" the phenomenon known as the 21st-Century woman. R.I.P.
Looks like what I should actually be in pursuit of, is a permanent girlfriend.
And a life of righteousness.

If this video incites enough drama, start paying me. Watch my doc, 4 sad years spent in the making: (Covidiotland [2024]) on my channel...I dare you.. Just showing you yourself, Earth. And some thoughts of mine I have on it.

Thank you for your support. Be healthy.

314 Views - 6 months ago

I DO NOT ASK ANYONE FOR MONEY, EVER. Freely I have received, and freely I give; and I am here to serve you, for free, in the gospel of Jesus Christ; that I may make the gospel of Christ without charge. However, if God has put it in your heart to send a tithe or offering to this podcast (Galatians 6:6-10, 1 Cor. 9:13,14), you may do so via cash app/venmo/paypal (direct message for details) Thank you.
Togoda.com is the new Google.

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