Minefields and the New Political Landscape | Bret Weinstein | EP 9

3 months ago

‪@DarkHorsePod‬ and I discuss the events that led to his resignation from Evergreen State College, dealing with controversy, pair bonding, the new political landscape, paranoia created by having communities online, discordant opinion budgets, and more.

Bret Weinstein is a theoretical evolutionary biologist, host of DarkHorse Podcast, and a former Professor at Evergreen State College.

Find more Bret Weinstein on YouTube ‪@DarkHorsePod‬, on Twitter @BretWeinstein on his website https://bretweinstein.net​

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Chapters -

(0:00) Intro
(1:28) Catching up, DarkHorse
(7:00) Evergreen College
(10:40) No choice but to stand
(14:21) First principles and poor extrapolation
(16:42) Hell breaks loose, false journalism
(21:54) Isolation and the reduction in marriage
(23:57) Sanity is outwardly regulated
(26:17) What torments Dr. Peterson
(35:45) As important, if not more so, than the printing press
(36:33) The Pareto distribution
(38:02) A complex kind of Conservative, unintended consequences
(41:08) We can’t stay here, Twitter
(44:50) Lost in the narrative
(48:22) The lab leak hypothesis
(50:05) The political has escaped its boundaries
(52:20) When every question becomes a team sport
(53:11) Vaccinations and the co-opted premise
(57:04) The physics of the online world are inherently post-modern
(59:30) Your internet persona takes primacy
(1:00:54) The physical world has physical constraints
(1:02:58) A kind of civil war
(1:07:54) From the developmental perspective
(1:11:35) Identity is negotiated, not demanded
(1:15:34) Three stages of identity
(1:19:13) Acute paranoia
(1:24:40) Budgeting for discourse and uncertainty
(1:27:12) Fundamental assumptions are hard to argue
(1:33:21) The new identities have no rules, and cannot be defined, and thus are not identities
(1:34:40) We are living in a period of evolutionary hyper-novelty
(1:36:01) You cannot take so many personality transformations
(1:37:17) Advice from a friend: please keep going
(1:44:40) Market forces are a source of feedback, free is not necessarily good
(1:46:07) No going back

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// BOOKS //
Beyond Order: 12 More Rules for Life: https://jordanbpeterson.com/Beyond-Order
12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos: https://jordanbpeterson.com/12-rules-...
Maps of Meaning: The Architecture of Belief: https://jordanbpeterson.com/maps-of-m...

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