self-awareness ain't fun until you do sumin

4 months ago

i don't earn what i didn't learn
a hand-out so you don't have to figure it out
there are plenty more examples that i could sight
i used to do so many things to self-destruct
liquor wasn't just liquor, it was oxygen
suffocating so i did the wrong thing naturally
wtf am i looking at
i dunno why you wouldn't wanna get wasted lookin at what the world is comin to
sometimes doin the wrong thing is the best thing cos of the humility
i guess this means sumin more cos i'm adopted so i cling close to God
one helluva gift to know specifically who's full of shit
i'd rather cry non-stop than not feel any mfing thing
even if you feel shit it's fine, maybe you should feel it due to the energy
everything feels like some kinda punishment
this definitely has an early nineties vibe (and not just cos of my hat)
we are being punished by the world for going along w/ it
whatever thing that you think you suffer w/ perhaps it's supposed to happen
either due to things you do or things you refuse to do
whatever happiness i have is due to not trusting authority
listening to my dad n his boomer friend...
america is not a normal country
but everybody in america appears to be in some kinda psychosis
running water ain't good w/ flouride in it
i don't understand pride shit
declaration: i will not make declarations!
singing on a log w/ a maga hat...that's my amy gross channel that is featured underneath (i think)
lying to em, poisoning em n making em think they like it
they're angry at themselves for being deceived
mcgraw hill was always propaganda
they can't apply the constitution cos they're going by another playbook

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