if you're not in motion you will sink

3 months ago

grey harr spotted!
i have a sour taste every time i open my eyes
that sour taste cannot be replaced w/ a lie
i know i'm gonna come across a certain way no matter what i say
whenever i tell em the truth they're gonna hate me (many such cases)
this world in my brain is way better i promise
going there n staying there instead of whatever party you're attending that you swear is fun
i don't wanna be too despondent, it's not Christian enough
all the prophets were depressed so wtf do you expect
that was pretty good there
what do you think this is, what do you think it's been
the only solution or cure is to express yourself until you feel (more) pure
i'll never achieve that level that i most dream of most, i still must try
if you don't try you might as well die
i can't make anything better by just sitting here n feeling bad for being sad about the way things are
there's always been people that have acknowledged our sinister fate
and we all just keep on sinning
we listen to the world cos we're stupid, emotionally dense that don't understand the consequence of events
i am really digging this but i know that most people will hate it hahahaha
ag gets sassy
i wish i could change things just by wearing a tshirt (damn shame huh)
they'll only rearrange everything to prove they're all the same
if we don't apply it then we didn't learn it
that mistake almost seemed to be on purpose
making my finest attempt no matter what
the part of me that wants to be a prodigy is ego ego ego
but that right there lacks humility hahahaha
there was a lotta time that i wasted being crazy or whatever
thinkin n feelin enough to count for sumin i reckon
man this is pretty brilliant
we don't really know, it's all faith
we gotta try, if we don't we won't ever feel better
discomfort can't subside if you don't have the confidence that comes from giving a shit
so i wanted to kill myself in multiple places (true story)
coming up w/ new psychological term...

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