CCP linked G42 was established for nothing else but the COVID-19 pandemic

3 months ago

⚡️ 9/5/2022: It seems that G42 was established for nothing else but the COVID-19 pandemic! Within a few years since its inception, G42 has been able to set up collaborations with China National Pharmaceutical Group, as well as various government agencies in the UAE. This is obviously inseparable from the backing of the CCP!
#BGI #G42 #CCP #geneticdata #PengXiao

9/5/2022: G42似乎就是为应对新冠而成立的!在成立后的短短几年内,G42能与国药集团和阿联酋的多个政府部门建立合作,这背后显然少不了中共的支持!
#华大基因 #G42 #中共 #基因数据 #彭肖

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