The Secret to Long-Term Success in Basketball

2 months ago

It's harder to be that good for that long like longevity in any sport is like the toughest thing you've been so good for so long Do you love basketball Or how do you keep doing it I think just care like energy man I come into the gym I just really I feel like I felt when I was a kid coming in here bro You see I came in here and just picked the ball up start shooting and shit just Enjoy seeing the ball go through the room Do you love basketball Of course a lot of other shit I don't like around it you know like the media and sometimes and fame like this shit You're like this bullshit I like that Yo back to yo That was weird That was weird All right no You got your leg cocked up Nah I was literally gazing in my eye Yeah you were You were gazing Like really for real back up from off I'm just like this is like beautiful like I'm here like and I'm talking But yeah I love the lifestyle though man I love this shit Bro you're the captain of the Olympic team I won't say the captain but I'm a vet That's what they're saying I'm a vet That's crazy man Yeah bro Been at this shit since I was around 18 How long you gonna do it I don't know man That's a good question That's a good question I mean right now I still feel good I mean I'm 35 about to be 36 next season so But this shit is a young man's game too Well I was going to add physically you know Age has got to be catching up to you at some point Yeah it will you will you got crazy recovery methods Nah not too crazy No ice bath I do that sometimes here and there I get stressed a lot How do you handle stress No stretched Stretched Stretched How do you handle stretch Like 2 hours stretch like real like real real stretch Were you doing that before the Achilles injury A little I just had started doing some of that stuff before the Achilles was crazy What was the recovery like from that Because that was such a serious injury Nutty It was like seven hundred days until I really felt like me again in the court It's that bad huh Yeah cause you gotta realize like you just it's like pulling a plug out the socket when you split your achilles and you lose some of that power that you had before in your cabinet so you gotta build your the calf muscles all the way and then you get atrophy once your calf gets smaller because you haven't moved it for 3 or 4 months So you just got to build that calf back up Are they equal strength now They'll never be So how do you compensate for that Because obviously if you're not equal on both sides you're more susceptible to Yeah yeah

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