It's Unanimous - Can't harm with Breath, Cough or Sneeze.

4 months ago

Ask this question : " Did you know you can't harm with Breath, Cough or Sneeze" ?

Watch and listen very carefully as they answer...or if they even answer.....try it on your socials.

They won't ever say you can harm with Breath, Cough or Sneeze....why ?
BECAUSE they ALL know they can't harm with Breath, Cough or Sneeze.

An Act based on Harm........has to be an Activity..........Something you can Actively do........It can't be something you can't do..

Name one Act,Law,Mandate based on the Activity called Breath,Cough or Sneeze.

There's one thing I've learnt from my past 4 years of searching...

You know you found it, when no one wants to talk about it......

This Video on Youtube :

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