China's COMAC scoops up new order

3 months ago

American logistics expert based in China video: As Boeing and Airbus struggle with fake parts and order backlogs, China's COMAC scoops up new order 在波音和空中巴士與假冒零件和積壓訂單作鬥爭之際,中國商飛獲得了新訂單

Industry insiders expect that China will be competitive in commercial aircraft by 2030, taking market share from Boeing and Airbus.

Supply chain and labor issues represent severe challenges to both companies, as they struggle to keep up with booming industry demand.  COMAC, a Chinese manufacturer of passenger jets, is picking up high volumes of business from carriers in Mainland China, which will be the world's largest market over the next 20 years.

High hurdles remain for COMAC, most notably involving questions as to how quickly the company can scale up to meet production demands of international carriers.  

駐華美國物流專家視頻: 業內人士預計,到2030年,中國商用飛機將具有競爭力,從波音和空中巴士手中奪取市場份額。

供應鏈和勞動力問題對兩家公司來說都是嚴峻的挑戰,因為它們難以跟上蓬勃發展的產業需求。  中國商飛是一家中國客機製造商,正在從中國大陸的航空公司獲得大量業務,中國大陸將在未來 20 年成為全球最大的市場。


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