Top 10 Video Game Pyrokinetics

3 months ago

Welcome to my 3rd Elemental Top 10, and just in time for my 3rd anniversary on YouTube!

Pyrotics, along with Pyromaniacs, are essential, volatile, and versatile, not to mention the most basic of all elemental benders. It's been around since Earth was being developed for billions of years, and it was a breakthrough since humans discovered on how to use it! And it's 10x better once fictional characters went above and beyond possessing it! Here are the 10 trailblazers!

@0:00 Negative response
@0:04 Channel intro
@0:36 Intro
@2:09 Number 10
@5:20 Number 9
@8:06 Number 8
@12:12 Number 7
@16:37 Number 6
@19:51 Number 5
@22:52 Number 4
@26:11 Number 3
@30:37 Number 2
@37:36 Honors
@39:55 Number 1

Error(s): I mistakenly considered Hothead and Sparky to be pyros, but I later found out they're electrokinetics... I still think Bowser created them, though, my bad. Even when I mistakenly added Dinorex from X4 than X5... :(

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