how could a system teach you any mfing thing

3 months ago

i didn't feel like leaving the house but i had to
there's only so much that a cat's purr can do for a mental ill
it pains me that i can't ever tell these people how much their art has meant to me
a lotta these people are dead
am i the only one that applied orwell's prediction
society's blind acceptance of technology is the reason for this
i love being called a cunt
i guess these "men" must want gonorrhea
does anyone study themselves like an art piece
sorry to sound so self-righteous
i wouldn't be able to do what i'm doin w/out an ego of some sort
there's always a blessing if you look hard enough
what doesn't scare most people
humanity on pcp, that's me
you just wanna be taken care of (like i keep sayin society has been feminized)
religious delusion: God is supposed to take care of us
i don't think that this system is what God wanted
i have a hard time not revealing my disgust
i have had this sour taste in my mouth since the nineties
americans are allergic to consciousness
consciousness has significant side effects, as you can probably gather
blame yourself for everything "wrong" in yer life n you will be better off
accountability is key
once again look at the sunset!
i am a skeptic due to my general sentiment about this world
airplanes would be awesome if they weren't used to poison or kill people
all these industries are such a joke
it's not fair for these kids that have to grow up in this world
so many "adults" that are still children due to terrible parenting
how many ways can we screw up children
the fact that so many of these things aren't considered child abuse is one of the reasons why people shouldn't have faith in our society
people think that i am loaded all cos i drive a mini cooper
i don't give into what i disagree w/
actual Christians don't want shit to do w/ trump
dt is more of a symbol than anything
crazy idea: it's up to US to fix it
the internet should be regulated
everything is shitty so i really don't care about the jews running shit
just becuz you hold a Bible (for a photo op) don't mean that you read it
awwwww little kitty
people really don't care if you're legit _____
i could rationalize insta!spam cos i make a lotta art
should i blame the govt for my self-mutilation
it is the forearm!
why ag dresses like a hobo
i don't want people to stare at my whatever
dress like a skank, get treated like a skank
...and another closeup of the sunset
my videos seem to predict the sequence of events in my own life
either a prophet or just insane
i will say sumin in a video n then another comic will talk about it
songwriters n comedians n writers have a knack for predicting the future
insight. foresight. hindsight.
mass consumers constantly complain n they are part of the problem
those that make artistic contributions tried to warn you but you didn't wanna listen
i know i sound bitter, it's cos i apply information
it's embarrassing that our society has reduced itself to this level n at the same time it's not surprising at all

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