Youth of the Apocalypse with Justin Marler

3 months ago

Justin Marler is back on the show and we are discussing the re-release and updated version of his cult-classic book, Youth of the Apocalypse and the Last True Rebellion. Justin went from a distraught suicidal punk rock musician in the Bay Area to being an Orthodox Christian monk. While he was living as a monk, he created the Death to the World zine which has brought a huge amount of people to the Orthodox Church. He also penned his classic book, Youth of the Apocalypse then and many years later now, it is VERY hard to find. That was until this new updated version that is now available. We discuss the themes of the original vs what he had to update for the year 2024 and just how different sin has become. for more of Justin's work.

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The Counterflow Podcast is a weekly show featuring discussions and interviews with people who are outside of and critical toward mainstream liberal and conservative politics. Counterflow challenges the conventional right/left binary and is concerned with the more important distinction of free vs unfree. The show will feature thinkers from all backgrounds, who do not fit into the narrow framework of fashionable opinion. The show will address cultural and lifestyle issues as well as philosophy and politics. Host Buck Johnson (formerly of The Death To Tyrants Podcast) is a musician and firefighter and has always had an interest and drive to go one way while everyone else runs the other direction.

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