BGMCTV P162 Parash 004 Vayers He appeared

3 months ago

BGMCTV P163 Parash 5 Hayyei-Sarah (Sarah’s Life) B’resheet 23:1 -25:18

B’resheet / Genesis 24 Avraham, being solicitous to get his son Yitzchak/Isaac property married, calls his confidential servant, probably Eliezer, and makes him swear that he will not take a wife for Yitzchak/from among the Canaanites, Gen_24:1-3, but from among his own kindred, Gen_24:4. The servant proposes certain difficulties, Gen_24:5, which Avraham removes by giving him the strongest assurances of God’s direction in the business, Gen_24:6, Gen_24:7, and then specifies the conditions of the oath, Gen_24:8. The form of the oath itself, Gen_24:9. The servant makes preparations for his journey, and sets out for Mesopotamia, the residence of Avraham’s kindred, Gen_24:10. Arrives at a well near to the place, Gen_24:11. His prayer to God, Gen_24:12-14. Rebekah, the daughter of Bethuel, son of Nahor, Avraham’s brother, comes to the well to draw water, Gen_24:15. She is described, Gen_24:16. Conversation between her and Avraham’s servant, in which every thing took place according to his prayer to God, Gen_24:17-21. He makes her presents, and learns whose daughter she is, Gen_24:22-24. She invites him to her father’s house, Gen_24:25. He returns thanks to God for having thus far given him a prosperous journey, Gen_24:26, Gen_24:27. Rebekah runs home and informs her family, Gen_24:28; on which her brother Laban comes out, and invites the servant home, Gen_24:29-31. His reception, Gen_24:32, Gen_24:33. Tells his errand, Gen_24:34, and how he had proceeded in executing the trust reposed in him, Gen_24:35-48. Requests an answer, Gen_24:49. The family of Rebekah consent that she should become the wife of Yitz'chak / Isaac, Gen_24:50, Gen_24:51. The servant worships God, Gen_24:52, and gives presents to Milcah, Laban, and Rebekah, Gen_24:53. He requests to be dismissed, Gen_24:54-56. Rebekah, being consulted, consents to go, Gen_24:57, Gen_24:58. She is accompanied by her nurse, Gen_24:59; and having received the blessing of her parents and relatives, Gen_24:60, she departs with the servant of Avraham, Gen_24:61. They are met by Yitzchak who was on an evening walk for the purpose of meditation, Gen_24:62-65. The servant relates to Yitzchak all that he had done, Gen_24:66. Yitzchak and Rebekah are married, Gen_24:67.

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