11/19/2024 - Guests: "Clay Parker" Topic: "Hurricane Helene -- Joy Comes in the Morning"

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Links from today's broadcast:

Contact Clay Parker @: Appeal-To-Heaven@gmx.com 
Banned video -How to Steer Hurricanes, Flood Homes, and Steal Lithium : https://banned.video/watch?id=66fc521b059fbae952a3721c
What the NEWS Media is NOT Showing You. https://youtu.be/5cqRLVsICdg?si=u9y8F-rA5_eP0bVk
When Floods hit Erwin, TN, a Local Business Owner Helped out by Organizing Volunteers and Supplies. https://youtu.be/2ezu08Vrvgw?si=dRxVWp4_ZOnfp30x
Farm that had been in family for 200 years destroyed by flood. https://youtu.be/0U5oUmrjxlI?si=DQFNprxIDxKJ6Ik1
The Truth Behind The Disaster https://youtu.be/bENXNOKdkew?si=Ky8PeOfZt8mI1Drj
Disaster Recovery And Updates https://youtu.be/4UQIXUHAsKE?si=OAig14oXBBrkxji3
North Carolina Hurricane Helene victims: Where is FEMA? https://youtu.be/IrOHLn5dI4M?si=FMop3CNdM9BVj3NO
Investigating a Helene debris flow landslide with geologist Philip Prince. https://youtu.be/oBuJxHR4ycY?si=h9aQ1jBT8skwZQ9N
Video shows North Carolina lake almost completely filled with debris. https://youtu.be/mg5iBte5Dsw?si=8ToP4kV-G93NjVaw
People stranded on hospital roof in Erwin, TN during extreme flooding. https://youtu.be/UjkrfD3mmw0?si=YkH0lFz94RcGaSBC
PART 1: CSX is Rebuilding the Clinchfield ~ THE DESTRUCTION THEY WILL FACE. https://youtu.be/jdNoHah-NGQ?si=Ld8GJiKtH7syKnst
PART 2: Rebuilding the Clinchfield ~ BIG TOYS. https://youtu.be/mvtPnNm6A9Y?si=YAUG8KOkiGjXlmlE
Appalachian Service Project – Home Builders - https://asphome.org/helpafterhelene/
Life Size Dwellings – Tiny Home/Shelter Builders - https://www.tiktok.com/@lifesizedwellings/video/7434288211888721195 (Venmo- @lifesizedwellings 828-707-5099 /   Zelle- Lifesize Dwellings inc. 828-707-5099) 
#14 - Jake Jarvis - Precision Grading - Demolition & Earth Moving Operations - Precision Grading, 99 Polaris Drive, Saluda, NC 28773 https://www.facebook.com/jake.jarvis.9277 (Find Jake Jarvis info here: https://podcast.wcntv.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/43-Donate-to-Jake-Jarvis_Precision-Grading.jpg)

Blue Mountain Camper co. makes Camper Pods for Flood Victims: https://www.givesendgo.com/bluemountain  -  https://bluemountaincamperco.com/


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