Dr. William Happer: The CO2 Hoax

3 months ago

The truth about carbon…

"We are in a kind of CO2 famine at the moment."

Dr. William Happer, Professor Emeritus of Physics at Princeton University:

"If you look at geological history, most of the time it has been much higher than now."

"Most plants do better with more CO2 than they have now. So calling it a pollutant is a complete distortion of the truth. It is not a pollutant at all."

"People [like Al Gore] saw a way to make money by demonizing CO2, and that's what happened."

"Greenhouse operators... intentionally increase the CO2 concentration in the greenhouse by factors of two, three, four... because plants grow much better with more CO2."


All of these fear mongering ideologies emanated from The Club of Rome, a cabal "think tank" that devises up fear campaign after fear campaign. When the USSR collapsed the Club of Rome had to dream up more lavish hoaxes, such as climate crisis, oil scarcity, water scarcity, over-population, etc etc., all of which are 100% HOAXES. The reason to keep you in fear is so people feel powerless and so put their faith in the people in government, the same people who absolutely do not care about the people. It's about control, keeping you in perpetual fear, with perpetual wars, and so your freedoms are slowly eroded, and generation after generation, the history books are cooked, things deleted, rewritten, and so the new generations know nothing about what happened during the time of the lives of their great grandparents. This is why most people have never heard about Tartaria. The mockingbird media are the propaganda arm of the deep-state, always have been since the dawn of "tell-a-vision".

So when the planet has a CO2 deficiency, the plants start to die off...problem>reaction>solution...and the government and corporatocracy are ready to give you the solution....GMO food, vaccines, and so on. The trees have no CO2 to turn into Oxygen, and so the world's ecosystem changes. Weather warfare/manipulation, such as cloud seeding, chemtrails, HAARP etc all work together with the media to brainwash the masses with lies and deception.

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