How Insane is Your School Board? Part 1: DDSB - Normalizing Trauma

3 months ago

This presentation delves into the demented world of Durham District School Board. But it could be almost any school board in Ontario today.

I recently presented this material to a group of community leaders in Durham who found it quite shocking, and it is shocking.

It’s about how DDSB is normalizing trauma through books and resources targeting kids. Examples include:
- Books depicting oral sex, sex toys, masturbation (including masturbating while driving)
- Multiple books involving pedophiles grooming kids, including a story featuring a PEDOPHILE TEACHER, who seduces young boys from school, and is presented as OK and normal
- Books describing terrible childhood abuse (6 yo kids supposedly enjoying oral sex), portraying them as role models to emulate
- Books featuring incest rape, very vividly described to the most sickening level of detail
- Promotion of prostitution as a viable career, "like being a store clerk"
- Use of sex apps like Grindr
- Tropes that align with racist stereotypes about black people being dysfunctional, broken, illiterate, and violent

... and more insane examples that will shock and anger anyone with a moral foundation.

This presentation is meant to be a call to action! Us normal people have the power to change this through political engagement. Feel free to email me regarding speaking engagements and opportunities to collaborate.

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