Unhinged Ana Navarro Shrieks 'May I Speak' While Getting WHOOPED In Heated Debate On Trump's Picks

3 months ago

Posted • November 19, 2024: Like other members of the Left and legacy media, talking head Ana Navarro is not exactly dealing with Trump's win all that well. Actually, maybe we should just call her a 'yelling head' instead of a talking head because she couldn't even keep it together debating about the Senate confirmation process and of course, Trump's picks. She seems angry. Heh. -- Ana Navarro starts yelling after Republican communicator Erin Perrine fact checks her on how the Senate confirmation process works. - Perrine: “Having worked in the Senate I can tell you this, they will run the clock.” - Navarro: “May I speak!?” -- She so badly wanted her Kamala Harris, 'I AM SPEAKING' moment and you know, it just wasn't meant to be. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - Unhinged Ana Navarro Shrieks 'May I Speak' While Getting WHOOPED in Heated Debate About Trump's Picks

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