Cigar and Whiskey Pairing: Don Doroteo "Piedra Angular" & WhistlePig 12 yr. Rye

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Another epic Cigar & Whiskey Pairing procured by our “whiskey whisperer” & co-host Joe Gulino, who just happens to be co-editor & writer extraordinaire for the @whiskey_network_.

This pairing features Don Doroteo “The Salt of the Earth” Piedra Angular Toro and WhistlePig 12 Yr. “Old World Rye” -Wine Cask Finished

Joe’s VIP guest list includes: “Vlogger/Event & Cigar Reviewer” Brandi Wheat @hercigarcloset - Juan Lugo @juanpuro_ Founder, Don Doroteo Cigars and representing WhistlePig, @whistlepigwhiskey is Wilson Torres @312made Senior Marketing Manager-Il

Tune in to win some amazing prizes!
#dondoroteocigars #whistlepigwhiskey

Welcome to the Great Cigar and Pipe Show 2024 coming to you live from The Corona Cigar Company Studios.

Presented by
Hiram & Solomon Cigars
Oliva Cigars
J.C. Newman Cigar Co.

With your host’s: Ron Pecorini, Bob Pecorini, “Cousin” Frank Minutillo & Kyle Jesso. Along with monthly featured host's Jerah Hutchins, Cathy Poturny and “Whiskey Whisperer” Joe Gulino.

Brandi Wheat @hercigarcloset
“Vlogger/Event & Cigar Reviewer”
/ hercigarcloset_

Juan Lugo @juanpuro_
Founder, Don Doroteo Cigars @dondoroteocigars
/ dondoroteocigars

Wilson Torres @312made
WhistlePig Whiskey @whistlepigwhiskey
Senior Marketing Manager-Il
/ whistlepigwhiskey

Thank you to our generous sponsors:

Ancestry Cigars Inc.
/ ancestrycigars
/ ancestry_cigars_inc .

BAMF / Rodriguez Olivan Cigar Factory
/ bamf_cigars
/ r.o.c.f.cigars

Brothers Smokin’ Stogies
/ bsscigars

Cattle Baron Cigars
/ cattlebaroncigars
/ reminisce_angus_beef

Chicagoland Pipe Collectors Club
/ thechicagopipeshow

Cigar Box Marketing

Cigar in the Bottle
/ cigarinthebottle

Cigar Medics
/ cigarmedics

Corona Cigar Company
/ coronacigarco

Dunbarton Tobacco & Trust
/ stevesaka
/ dunbartontobaccoandtrust

Fortaleza Y Libre
/ fortalezaylibre

Garo Cigars
/ garocigars

GTO Dominican Cigars
/ gtocigars

Hiram & Solomon
/ hiramandsolomoncigars

Howard G Cigars
/ howardgcigars

J.C. Newman Cigar Company
/ j.c.newmancigarco
/ j.c.newmancigarco

“K” by Karen Berger Cigars
/ karenberger_
/ don_kiki_cigar_superstore

KJD Cigars “The Chief”
/ thechiefcigars

Kristoff Cigars
/ kristoff_cigars

La Galera Cigars
/ lagaleracigars

Lotus / Vertigo Lighters
/ lotuslighters

Luciano Cigars
/ lucianocigars
/ lucianomeirelles

Missouri Meerschaum Co.
/ missourimeerschaum

/ neverashco

Norwood Royal Cigars
/ norwoodroyalcigars

Oliva Cigars
/ olivacigar

Rock-A-Feller Cigars
/ rock_a_fellercigars

Sagrado Cigars
/ sagradocigars

The Cigar Ashtray
/ thecigarashtray

The Nubber.Com
/ the.nubber

The Whiskey Network
/ whiskey_network_

Special Thanks to:
Great Cigar & Pipe Show Music

Rob Cannillo
/ robcannillo
/ robcannillo

GLSS Logo Re-Design & SakaSquatch cartoon
Justin Gordon
/ jgordon_illustrations

Great Cigar & Pipe Show
/ greatcigarandpipeshow
/ @greatcigarandpipeshow
/ greatlakessmokeshow_
/ greatcigarpipe

#coronacigarco #floridasungrowntobacco #olivacigars #stumpsakasquatch
#hiramandsolomoncigars #cigarlifestyle #cigarsnob #cigarsmoker #cigarlover #cigars #cigarlife #cigarsociety #cigarandwhiskey #cigarpairing #smokethechooch #greatcigarandpipeshow #pipetobacco #pipesmoker #cigar #cigarlife #cigarworld #cigarsociety #cigaraficionado #greatlakessmokeshow #winprizes #cigarmedics #cigarboxmarketing #humidimeter #stevesaka

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