It's All The Lies! Joe And Mika Bewildered By Exodus Of News Consumers To X And Online Influencers

3 months ago

Posted • November 19, 2024: Cable 'news' hosts, commentators, and 'journalists' have been in a tailspin since their favored candidate, Kamala Harris, was soundly defeated by President-Elect Donald Trump two weeks ago. Public trust in legacy media outlets continues to plummet. It's so bad that even the Democrat viewer base for propaganda cable 'news' talk shows like MSNBC's Morning Joe are jumping ship. Joe and Mika are bewildered. Why is this happening? As ratings and public trust continue to crater — the propagandists at MSNBC are befuddled on where to go from here: “I don’t know how we make ourselves relevant again." -- We just saw five major reasons why no one is tuning in anymore. The inability of 'journalists' and their fellow Democrats to self-reflect plays a huge roll in this. Trump voters can easily see what the problem is. We'll let them tell it. “Has anyone told them the people are sick of their lies??”

“Well, for starters, they could perhaps try this one weird trick where you tell the truth, not to mention not calling more than half the country as Nazis hourly.” -- ““Anyone who votes for Trump is a white supremacist threat to Democracy!" “Why doesn’t anyone want to watch us?!"” -- “Maybe they shouldn't have lied non stop and promoted every BlueAnon conspiracy theory the last 8 years.” -- What, it was all the lying? Wow, that seems so obvious unless you work for MSNBC. Joe and Mika said it was one in five getting their news from online influencers. That's got to be higher. “Haha 1 in 5. Oh boy, I have “news” for them. It’s more like 4 in 5.” Younger news consumers avoiding MSNBC is much higher, adults can't be too far behind. It's only going to get worse for the dishonest dinosaurs of the fossilizing legacy media 'News' outlets are no match for X and other social media sites. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - It's All the Lies! Joe and Mika Bewildered By Exodus of News Consumers to X and Online Influencers

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