Scott Jennings Breaks Out Puppets And Crayons To End Jake Tapper In Debate On Deporting Illegals

3 months ago

Posted • November 19, 2024: There are a few things in life that are certain. Death. Taxes. And CNN losing its mind over anything and everything Trump does. It's like clockwork with this network. Trump could say, 'Grass is green,' and they'd find a way to compare him to LITERALLY Hitler who once said grass was green in a coded message to evil Nazis or some other happy horse crap. NOTE, CNN, we were making a joke. There is no tie between green grass and Hitler. Hey, you can never be too careful, especially when they behave this way about deporting illegals: TRUMP: We will deport criminal illegals! - CNN: wHo wIlL PiCk oUr cOtToN?! -- Seems our pals at CNN and on the Left aren't so much worried about what happens to the people who are deported, no no, they're far more concerned about who will scrub their toilets and pick their produce. They've never really changed their racist stripes.

Scott Jennings was good enough to break out the puppets and crayons explaining to Jake Tapper that our deporting criminals will not make the price of eggs go up. We can't stop watching Tapper's face … (…)

• More at: Twitchy - Scott Jennings Breaks Out Puppets and Crayons to End Jake Tapper in Debate on Deporting Illegals
Rumble: Trump: We Will Deport Criminal Illegals! - CNN: wHo wIlL PiCk oUr cOtToN?!
Rumble: ARGLE! Scott Jennings Leaves HOSTILE CNN Panel Speechless Debating Military Deporting Illegals
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