Truth Uncensored | Whoopi Bully's Family Bakery & Finds Out

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🎥 Buckle Up for Another Hard-Hitting Episode 🇺🇸

Joey Picks For You:

Book - Creature From Jekyll Island Book:

Documentary - The Money Masters:

Health & Fitness:

🔥 The View vs. Holtermann's Bakery: Whoopi Goldberg takes center stage after making shocking false claims about a family bakery in Staten Island, accusing Holtermann’s of refusing her order due to politics. Now, they’re striking back with a defamation lawsuit. We uncover the details and set the record straight.

🚀 World War III Alert: Ukraine escalates tensions by launching U.S.-authorized missiles into the heart of Russia for the first time, with President Biden's approval. Is this reckless act pushing us closer to global conflict? We break down what you need to know and what mainstream media isn’t telling you.

🇺🇸 A Tale of Two Presidents: As America faces unprecedented challenges, we compare the paths of President Biden—controlled by globalist elites aiming to weaken our nation—and incoming President-Elect Donald Trump, who vows to protect and strengthen America’s greatness.

📣 Follow @joeyvantes on all social platforms for more truth bombs, and don’t forget to tune in daily at 10 AM PST / 1 PM EST, Monday through Friday.

#WeThePeople #Defamation #WhoopiGoldberg #HoltermannsBakery #UkraineRussiaConflict #WW3 #Biden #Trump #Patriots #JoeyVantes #PoliticalTruths

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