What "They" Call The Military and Police-This is Not Our Government!

3 months ago

This "government" is not our real, law of the land government. Our real government was pushed aside by these monsters, and they operate under maritime law and under corporations in order to enslave us.
The corporate police and corporate military work for THEM, not us. That is why they can put illegals into the military and police. That is why they can send the corporate military into other countries to fight their never-ending wars for them.
Our real law of the land government's military has only a few jobs: protect the borders from invasion and stop enemy forces from taking over our limited government from within. This is more proof that this corporate "government" is not our real government.
If you want to take your power and authority back from them and operate under the law of the land once again, you can peacefully do so. watch this video:
Here's another video in which I stopped any prosecution in a case against me by declaring my authority under the law of the land:

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