Tucker Carlson Demands an END to Vaccine Liability Shields

3 months ago

Tucker Carlson Demands an END to Vaccine Liability Shields

He says the vaccine industry, particularly the COVID injection, has evolved into a “SCAM” ever since the 1986 Vaccine Injury Act went into effect.

Here's why:

1. “You convince politicians to force the population to buy your product.”

2. “Anyone who complains gets fired.”

3. “You can’t be sued.”

This three-minute diatribe is a must-watch and read:

“How is it that there’s this one category that’s exempt from the risk [lawsuits] that all the rest of us who are involved in any kind of business face every single day?” Carlson asked.

“I have liability insurance on my house in case the UPS guy slips delivering a package from Amazon. But somehow, Albert Bourla [CEO of Pfizer] and all the other creepy, creepy billionaires who run these disgusting pharma companies are in no danger of being sued because their corrupt pals in Congress in 1986 gave them blanket immunity? Let’s tear that down immediately,” Carlson urged.

To the argument that vaccines “can’t compete” without blanket immunity, Carlson countered, “Well, why don’t you just make a safer vaccine then? How’s that sound? Why don’t you face the same risk [lawsuits] that every other person who conducts any other kind of commerce or lives in this country faces every single day?”

He demanded, “Let’s see the numbers right now,” highlighting that the government has access to vaccine data that it’s hiding from the public.

“If somehow you’re being prevented from knowing, then you can be absolutely certain that crimes are being committed,” Carlson concluded, “because why else would they be hiding it from you?”

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