Stand on Guard with Me, Altered Attributes, Part 2, Section B.

2 months ago

Stand on Guard with Me,
Altered Attributes,
Part 2, Section B.

This is the second section, of this Part 2 Series of the Stand on Guard with Me artistic real life works, that are created by, Captain Patriot, also known as Eco Prime, the only remaining living leader of the Eco Guards Organization, which was founded in late 1986-87.

It then shows why, Captain Patriot Stands on Guard for this country, its peoples and our many eco systems. It goes on to show, some of how his beliefs have been influenced over the many years, and then a great amount of the things and other matters, that he had been involved with. in helping our communities, and our country.

It then ends with our National anthem, and also with a salute to our brave Canadian Peacekeeper's of old, and even some, whom have lost their lives in the protection of our lands and peoples, and also reflects on some of which Canada was originally responsible for, in this ever changing world.

Hopefully, you won’t find it to be too boastful, but then again, it’s important that you gain the enlightenment's of all that’s being expressed.

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