"Time-Keepers are robot?

3 months ago

Yes, in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), the Time-Keepers are revealed to be robots in the series Loki (2021). Initially, the Time-Keepers are presented as powerful beings who control the flow of time and oversee the "Sacred Timeline" through the Time Variance Authority (TVA). However, this turns out to be a deception.

The Truth About the Time-Keepers:
Appearance as Robots: In Loki, Loki and Sylvie confront the Time-Keepers in their chamber, only to discover they are not real beings but lifelike androids.
The Puppet Master: It is later revealed that the true manipulator behind the TVA is He Who Remains, a variant of Kang the Conqueror, who created the illusion of the Time-Keepers to maintain control and hide his identity.

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