Two Symptoms Of Catatonia

3 months ago

As brian's mom, i've known since he was 12 years old that peg tubes are often a potential need when someone has chronic catatonia. At about age 12 brian developed neuroleptic malignant syndrome from risperidone. NMS turns into Catatonia. From then on out it can be chronic because it is not a stand alone condition. It has other avenues to return, such as depression. That is Catatonia's most common driver. Seizures can also be a driver. Most Doctors think of them that way, like sometimes the Catatonia is actually a seizure you can not see, a nonconvulsive seizure. That is true. Whether the Catatonia caused the seizures or the seizures the Catatonia, or neither -I don't know. Yet. I have observations and suspicions, thus far.
Brian is 24 now. This is his first time at those crossroads of needing a peg. When he was 12, i had him in the psychiatric er in ann arbor at the u of m once and the nurse was panicked. Because he would not eat or drink. That is when she told me they can end up on a tube. She was desperate that he not. well, she interested him in a cup and her care. He perked up. We managed to not need a tube for a dozen years. Imagine that.

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