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Guidance Message for mentor/student dynamic, a soulmate ❤️Tough love 🦁 “Anonymous” Oracle
hello there Theus Oracle here with a Divine message I hope you guys are doing well this is going to be a collective
message and it reads very intentional this could be directly for
you or someone in your energy but we'll see where it goes uh I want to pick a
few oracles bubba wants to say hi because he hasn't been showing facei he's in retirement I just feel like he's
far too fragile to be playing around with um he chipped his foot as you can see So that obviously um changed things
for him that's why Lulu's been taken over but he's here and he wanted to say hi as well okay in case someone was
curious to him but yes we're going to be doing Divine messages um I kind of
reserved that for Sundays or Mondays and it's going to be for
everyone on patreon okay if it is really really
important it'll make its way to YouTube but um
yeah let's just grab the deck cuz I'm feeling it already first
card mhm intentional with Message in a Bottle I feel like somebody doesn't have all the
answers this could be due to a lack of communication or feeling disconnected in
some way so I'm seeing somebody like pull up their big girl or big boy pants
to make a decision alone we have fork in the
road whatever this is it shapes this person's Destiny so this choice is very
important and we're going to see where this decision leads this person but but
the overall energy is someone at a Crossroads and they might not feel like they have
all the answers from their external environment to make this important decision that's
why it's important for them to use their intuition to make this decision and I
don't know if this reading is going to help this person make this decision but
it's here okay let me see what Souls Journey lesson this person is undergoing at the
moment this could be pertaining to a person of significance I'm already seeing
friendship we have three cards that shout out should I take them okay we have
freedom we have success and we have gratitude these are
very beautiful cards I'm hearing the word
open-mindedness Liberation and and a positive outcome so this person is hoping for a positive
outcome they hope that this sense of direction does not come with restrictions it's important that they
keep this level of flexibility in their freedom okay and I feel like someone
here could be grateful for a spiritual lesson um I feel like this person is
trying to look at the glass half full in a sense of gratitude but whatever they do decide
they don't want want their freedom compromised and they want a successful outcome so this decision that they're
making they want all these three to Encompass the direction they choose so let's say for example someone
wants to go to this country and live there they don't want any restrictions set on them they don't want to feel
confined they want a good outcome and they want things to be mared like naturally so right this is someone who
had a shift in their world have been recently there's something that is being put to bed I heard finally and it's like
I want to move into a Direction but I don't want anything to reflect what the
past reflected this person does not have all
the answers yet and they need to be okay with that they're not going to get them the
way they hope to get them does that make sense so it's purely off their intuition
that they're like rolling dice or taking a chance and they want a good
outcome they know what the negative looks
like it's an important decision I can tell you that much it is a very important decision but I feel like this
person is in a good space enough to like move forward
yeah door to personal healing and happiness is here this is someone on some kind of a healing
Journey we have woman holding a heart in the
reverse I'm getting like a love song coming in this there's an intuitive person
here the temple path yeah I'm getting that someone does not have the assistance of a person that maybe holds
a lot of love for them or once had a lot of love for them I'm getting a Vibe of
like someone taking their heart back this woman holding a heart really has the capacity to love holy
uncondition ially but if being in the reverse and the temple path it's kind of like you need to go on this journey and
figure it out without my coddling or without
my love what is this we have attachment at the bottom and deceit in the reverse
somebody here could have a crooked environment or like a codependent environment where finances are concerned
cuz deceit and attachment is here at the bottom and it's like someone is encouraged to go down this path to um
move with a sense of like higher purpose but this woman holding a heart
in the reverse is very mysterious to
me give me another card for that why is the woman holding a heart in
the reverse angel of strength wow this is a very and look the foresight is in
the reverse it's like there's this yo this energy whoever this person is it
could be a woman it could be a divine feminine but this divine feminine is very strong I'm hearing the word tough
love so there's a person here who maybe reads very protective nurturing but it's
like this feminine transformed into some kind of a like tough love energy this
angel of strength it's like an Angelic energy but it's like I'm I'm going to give you the strength you never knew you
had had by retracting this this level of
Love Is that makes sense cuz I really don't get a negative energy from this
card of a woman holding their heart in the reverse it's like I'm maybe reserving my heart I'm protecting my
heart it took strength for me to get to this point it's like a transformed
version of someone who was really loving and kind it took strength for them to
not overdo this this level of love that they possess it's like I could love
really hard but I prefer to take a back seat in strength it's it's it really
feels like tough love like this combination feels like tough love so I don't know if this energy is someone who
once guided a person was there for a person was very available to a
person okay I don't know if this is someone who had foresight it really feels like a feminine the thinking woman
is here with the um Archangel of um foresight it's like one's
intuition one's third eye it's in the reverse it's kind of like someone is moving forward blindly because they
don't have something they once had
okay it's kind of like a mother bird kicking a baby bird out of the nest and
it's like you're not going to be here forever you need to learn to take leaps
of faith on your own without my guidance without my you know safety net like
someone here was a safety net I see the word boundaries
here what is this surrender yeah man somebody here
surrendered a situation I feel like with the water I don't know if that has a lot to do with
emotions it's like something was a little too much the water was the level
of the water was a little too high like somebody surrendered a person is the same thing as the baby bird getting
kicked out like it's like Boop like I Surrender this like go ahead it was necessary I'm hearing it
was totally necessary somebody here may be feels
like a person gave up on them but it's not true it's like there's more to the story it's like I didn't
give up on you but this part of the journey you got to go on about it by yourself the number seven is like a
spiritual number it's an energy of like guidance yes but it's spiritual growth
okay oh my God I'm seeing a person give an individual gifts and they're sending
them on their way I gave you the gift of this I gave you the gift of that I gave you the gift of there's so many gifts a
person gave an individual but they wouldn't acknowledge these gifts if the
separation wasn't made I'm hearing a plane maybe physical separation took
place maybe someone traveled or left a person with these gems and these gems
are so imperative for this person's next sense of direction so it
almost reads like a internal sense of mentorship or guidance I don't care if
you're a man or a woman like if you identify as the person who was kind of like a mentor to someone this could be
you that I'm reading on who is in this tough love mode or you could be the
individual that once dependent depended upon someone much like a mentor for
guidance for this for love for consideration like you could be either one of these energies but I'm reading
two very separate Energies of which one is basically like I gave you the tools
figure it out now and I'm seeing this flick it's a flick of tough love but
it's so necessary for this person to decide and make decisions on their own it's a level of Independence that you're
encouraging in this person figure it out on your own I gave you all the tools I helped you I guided you I loved you
platonic or romantic this phase is so important for this individual to do it
alone to find out what it means to make decisions based on their intuition you
could have helped open this person up to their intuition you could have helped attune them to their sense of
spirituality I feel this is so important for you to surrender this person for them to figure it
out boundaries boundaries necessary so
necessary right now because otherwise everything you p poured into this
individual wouldn't be exercised it needs to be exercised without you in
this season this is a big message ego this is someone who maybe moved through
ego and now they're being encouraged to surrender the ego with the gems and the
tools you left
behind I heard again safety blanket I don't know
someone here might have like white sheets or love to wear white yeah because this person in some way shape or
form became codependent to you whether emotionally mentally
spiritually it's like the communication was a form of like keeping
this attachment or codependency alive communication is Big here but it's like
codependent to verbal communication so again I'm hearing knowledge passing
on knowledge this person was codependent to
this you had to surrender them you were attached to them and it
almost became unhealthy it's kind of like again I don't want to like um
compare you to a mom but definitely I'm getting the energy of like there comes a
point in time where you don't need to smother somebody or you don't need to like be there to fill a codependent void
you need to like release I'm seeing somebody like take
care of a person pick up after a person there there comes a point in time where somebody needs to learn to figure it out
on their own you've already showed them the ropes I feel like these the surrender
already took place because the top of the reading is someone deciding without your communication without your guidance
I'm getting I I just said how somebody was picking up after a person you may be try to assist this individual in
cleaning up their life and it's kind of like I'm seeing a messy room and it's like ew I told you to clean this up I
showed you how to how to use the dust pan and this that I told you how to use the vacuum you need to figure out how to
clean it up on your own because I'm not helping you anymore no communication it's almost like you want
what's best for this person you're like a hovering energy here energetically it's like you you want to see this
person bathe and clean behind the ears and get their life together and nurture
their soul look how it's a baby elephant like I really feel this age Gap
spiritually it doesn't even have to be physically like you could be younger than this person you could be older than
this person this age Gap reads spiritually and you were put in their path and I'm getting so many chills
because it's really important for you to understand this next phase look at Parental Guidance look at people who you
know never leave the nest they don't go out into the world on their own it could have an opposite effect like you need to
trust this phase where you need to let this person go off into the world alone and figure it out for themselves without
you because this will lead to a new life I feel like this person had a disconnect
with the Divine higher power in the reverse but it's like they have a deep knowing of what direction brings them
peace versus adversity and this person could have been very like either stuck in the past or overthinking the future
and you were trying to help them imagine a different life for themselves if they clean it up the
broom so many chills like you need to let this person figure this phase out
and be at peace with it and I'm hearing a level of frustration in your energy
because it's like you want what's best for them but the frustration is there because they they haven't been either putting in
the work doing what you encourage and it's like release they need to figure that out for themselves I'm seeing
somebody cough so it's like the dust is really suffocating maybe this person's
got allergies right these are all just analogies they need to learn to like oh my God this environment is terrible but
I remember what the collective encouraged me to do to help clean up my life
so necessary this person was codependent to your assistance this person maybe was
codependent to your guidance this person was codependent to your love your consideration to help them weather the
storms they need to figure out for themselves I.E tough love I'm just seeing like I release you go about your
way you can do this like it's like you're a cheerleader but from afar you're cheering this person from afar
and I feel like um part of them might feel abandoned but there's a real big
picture here that this person needs to digest and be okay with because this season they need to figure out on their
own wow I don't know if this was a romantic relationship or not could be
doesn't have to
be Lulu says Hi We grabbing from the tiny
tarot look even this I'm drawn to how she's like releasing something you see how she left all these gems it's like
look at all these options look at all these things steady
progress we acknowledge you for the progress you've made in Remembering love in your daily activities we can clearly
see the contribution you're making to the world through your thoughts feelings and actions of love you are literally an
angel on Earth like you have been this way since you were a child and I'm getting so many
chills because in these angels I'm seeing one that's caressing a dove I'm seeing one
that's holding a bouquet and I'm seeing one that's holding like a torch of light
you've been a Guiding Light you've been a caring nurturer you could be really good with animals people children and
you you express admiration in a very thoughtful carefully you know detailed way it's so
beautiful you incourage people to make steady progress to better their life and
you feel a sense of purpose in that and that is always been who you are you know
part of your purpose but also understand that you retracting is also part of this journey
um when knowing when to pull back so that someone can figure f it out for themselves look at them they all have
something important in hand this one's carrying the dove this one's carrying a torch and this one has a bouquet it's
wow I have a card king of Pentacles Taurus Virgo Capricorn energy this could
have been someone who was very much so bound to the material world it came up funny
you could have Earth in your chart they could have Earth in your chart but I'm hearing very TRD this is someone who is
very TRD Temperance there you go Earth Angel you were balancing this person's life
out just for your presence just for being who you are you were placed here
you crossed their path for a [Music] reason you helped them maybe even
navigate their emotions this person recognizes you to be this
way too oh my gosh Queen of Pentacles you could be a
counterpart you guys um this is beautiful um it's like they were crooked
but you're in the upright and there's there's an Angelic energy
working through you working between you too like they're your equal that's the
funny part they actually are but they were just off balance at some point and this this phase is
encouraging them to figure this out independently two
cards King of Swords and The Wheel of Fortune there is maybe another person who had an effect on their sense of
direction and fate cuz this is another energy this King of Swords is someone else it could be an advice ER it could
be someone in their direct vinity but the Wheel of Fortune is a
sense of direction but I also feel like this could be them needing to decide what their faith looks like Queen of
Swords you're always there in their decision making in their
like there's this energy of them trying to like make sense of something based on how you once made sense of something
this is knowledge exchange I have soulmate energies up the wazo I have two couples here it's like you both like
your soulmates you can't tell me otherwise King Queen of Swords king of Queen of
Pentacles I get this energy of you being really wise in one Arena and them being really wise in
another sense knowledge wit intelligence but also groundedness
physical matters wow wow I don't even know what to
say let's keep pulling five of Pentacles the
absence it's felt abandonment there was a feeling of
where are you where did you go
one person definitely turned their back on the other it's felt immediately two
cards Six of Pentacles in the reverse because someone was abusing this Dynamic
someone was taking another person for granted this is causing for a level of
balance to be restored whether you realize it or not oh my gosh something here is a person's
Birthright but I'm drawn to like how this kid is releasing the bird there's a release
release this like yo I spoke of the bird and letting the bird figure out how to
fly like look that's
crazy that's crazy it's almost like you would be so proud to see this person
achieve things that you encouraged even if it's without
you like you would be so proud to see that them free freedom to see them
grateful to see them succeed you really would love to see this for this person
like that's what I'm I'm feeling so strongly and it's such a beautiful uh ooh so many chills it's
really nice it's comforting this person could maybe feel you we have Justice it
came off I feel like this is part of this person's Karma this person had some kind of like energetic Karma to blow
out this this person could have also had a past that was seemingly unfair to them
where their childhood is [Music] concerned two cards the star and the
Knight of Wands this person needed to heal inconsistencies poor Behavior again
a Guiding Light in the star I have Sagittarius Libra and
Aquarius it's like you healed a lot of things that could have deterred this person from a higher timeline like you
helped this person a lot this person feels
um a lot of pestering thoughts like maybe you helped clear this person's mind like there are a lot of things
going through this person's mind at this point in this Detachment in this Karma
playing out because part of the energies leveling themselves out is your absence
in this season seven of swords in the reverse this person is haunted by their own actions
haunted by like this is somebody who's thinking through needs to Think Through
the things that aided to that level of inconsistency or the imbalance in your connection so this is not like someone
who evil who's evil and like purposely wanted
to take you for granted because I feel like your availability was always there
so it's like it just that was the dynamic but this is balancing itself out and best
believe this person might feel guilty a little bit like paranoid um Restless
because the balance is being restored in your absence does that make sense now
they're like oh my God the things that I didn't do are the things that and it's like I feel this avoidant energy because
they always wanted to make you proud in some way so when they do things that they know you wouldn't be proud of
there's shame very much so like Mentor student energy like you can't tell me
otherwise they really look up to you they really like it's like your word is their every
amen like I don't know man it's it's intense so now this person is like
overthinking all the negative things they've done and it's like it's part of their
growth they don't like being in this position crooked Queen of Wands this
could have something to do with another person who they dealt with that they shouldn't have that they
know they shouldn't have because it doesn't compare to an empress I can't make it up it's like they're even
comparing people who don't even hold a candle to
you your confidence also you know intimidates them Empress you could be
you know very very beautiful to this person I heard Beautiful
Soul it haunts them what's to come from all this like where is this going I have
three cards moon in the reverse eight of Pentacles and the two of Cups coming up
funny this person is seeing past illusions that they themselves could
have put up to spare them of the truth you know some people prefer to live in
denial but I really feel this person is progressing based on the gems and the
tools you've given them and this crooked two of cups is a maybe it's like at
least they figured a lot out about themselves they see the truth the
illusions of what they maybe thought was the case versus what truly is the case
is dissipating but the maybe resides in reconciliation the maybe resides in a
healthy Union CU everybody has free will right the hermit
beautiful beautiful this is them alone this is
them growing this is them
maturing they would love to work on this reconnection but they know this period
of isolation they need to go about alone and I've been channeling um a per of isolation in the Divine
masculine Collective trust that your job here has
already been fulfilled try to nurture your energy
back to its fullest potential in this season where karma is
being balanced back out cuz there was definitely a scale that was like this
it's like this side is really heavy based on everything you were doing and this person is like if needs to go back
here allow this grace period to come back here without any additional
resentment or bitterness necessary because as much as this person was taking taking taking you were giving
giving giving and now this transformation of how you love
is crucial to this person you can love someone at a distance you can give them tough love like you need
to know what that looks like based on the dynamic of your relationship so
let's say how you overexert yourself was communication or physical availability
or cleaning up after them like I don't know what it is but pull back so that this person can
see the truth of what that absence looked like but remember the gems you've left behind it is so important give this
period the chance to balance out and in the meantime grow your own energy so
that you can get back to that whole sense of
self The Hermit I almost want to leave that
there soul searching figuring it out on their
own they need this they need you to not be there for them right now they need it
does that make sense they need you to not be there for them at this point in
time like sometimes it's not about what somebody wants it's about what they need
and part of what they need is Your Surrender they might not want that but
it's what they need is for you to surrender
them divine feminine I'm talking right to
you metamorphosis this is also part of your transformation you've
changed like ooh that felt look look at
these chills I almost feel like your level of like guidance you know when
they say like uh when we pass on like we'll have a different purpose like you're at this level where you could
almost be like a spirit guide to someone on the earth in the next lifetime it would not surprise me like you're that
up there that it's like it would not surprise me if you like say hey the next lifetime
I'm just going to be a spirit guide because you're that high vibrational like it's insane to me that's what I
felt in this transformation wow that's crazy barrier
yes you need to have boundaries right now it's not even like a should I no
it's a total must because for this phase of this growth within yourself and this
person it is essential conclusion yeah
man it's like you've almost made like okay I concluded that this is the only way this is the only way it's a cycle
closing out but trust that it's for everyone's best good like I don't know how to explain it for some of you you're
like okay I conclude that this is where this chapter stays for now with this barrier
in place but this barrier is what is encouraging the transformation what
comes beyond the transformation it's maybe like another reading but I really
feel that this chapter you need to be okay with the transformation taking place beyond the barrier it's like
they're in a cocoon Beyond this barrier and you're entering your own cocoon Beyond this other side of the fence and
trust that when you both transform into this next phase you'll be too completely
different people okay
give me like a few cards for
metamorphosis victim in the reverse oh my like if you oo Divine
masculine look this is so important this could be taking this
individual out of a victim mentality or out of
a wow this is like oh my gosh I just feel like this pivotal point where
someone was like I never thought I'd see today where they released
themselves I'm getting the energy of someone really getting like spoiled with
affection and attention because they were a victim of their circumstance it's like I can't free myself help
me and it's like no you can free yourself without me
you can figure this out without me you can enter your Divine masculinity
without me and you're going to figure out what that looks like based on the
tools I gave you to move
forward it's an energy of I need to save
myself I need to wiggle my way out of this the victim card in the reverse
verse is like we love to see it here on this
channel because I promise you I know I know how people can stay here for
years because it suits them it coddles them it helps them in some way but it
doesn't serve them unless they free themselves and I don't know in what phase this is but trust that this is
really helping this person to get in a healthy masculine
energy yes it helps them REO like you got to refocus they got to refocus
victim in the reverse like this transformation is helping them grow be a
authorative in their own world like that's exactly what they need cuz how can how can you how can
somebody be their own superhero if you're too busy being that for them like you need to give this person that space
it's it's four of wow I'm like yeah they need to heal this this is really good
I'm very shocked that that came out in the reverse yes it's putting them at a Cross
Point look this is the person who needs to like get out of this cuz I feel nobody else wants to like help this
state like I get this energy of this person's at a cross point like I need to choose am I going to stay here or am I
going to like free myself oh my gosh communication in the reverse no communication what did I say message in
the reverse they're not getting the answers they need to go off based on
what you taught them and that alone and what their intuition is encouraging you can't do this for them you can't choose
for them you can't point the finger and say go there they need to do this on their own and figure out what comes from
that it's really it's really essential I almost feel like it's so important that you feel a resistance or you feel an
energetic block of don't do it don't do this don't like I'm like it's like you want to help them but it's like uh-uh
hands off hands off like spirit is really saying let them figure this out it's so
important oh yeah and they will return it's like this bondage it's like okay I
they're not around but I remember that I need to unwind twist this and break it like that's that's literally what I'm
seeing it's like they are here but it's like spirit is like remember what the collective helped you with you need to
unwind twist and jerk it's like the pressure will go boom and it's like this person figures it out and they will
return because it's almost like they owe it to you it's like I'm so grateful for
what you taught me and it's just like oh my God I'm just seeing somebody who's just like wow I
would have never gotten to this point if not for the collective and I promise you this person will want to return to your
energy almost like in a space of like thank you thank you for showing me
whether directly and maybe in a season indirectly what I needed for
myself it's so beautiful I've never like I love this reading I really really do
it it's insane it's insane to me and this person needs to realize that they were always an
equal they were always an equal you guys literally come out as the king and queen of swords and the King and Queen of
Pentacles you're not any better than this person you were strategically placed in their life to help them and in
in ways they helped you too because this metamorphosis is not one-sided it's it's on both ends you changed as much as this
person is changing it's not a one-sided transformation this person might feel
that way but it's really not like you've changed too and they can see that you feel that too you guys were maybe
codependent to each other in a way where it's like you
know I'm seeing somebody who loves to be needed and I'm seeing another person who
loves to like be cared for that was the codependent Dynamic I'm not seeing evil
energy I'm not seeing abuse I'm not seeing like anything negative other than
you need to know when to detach because even that is serving you right now and that's what's
encouraged that's the key here is to surrender this person
and because it's so hard because you guys have a Divine connection it's hard to do that it's hard to surrender
somebody that you feel so at home with it's hard to surrender a soul that
feels like home to you but it's so imperative for this next
phase dang this person will return but they
won't be unawakened anymore unawakened in the reverse they would have broken out of
a mindset that really didn't serve them anymore and it won't serve them in this next phase they need to get out of that
it's like them shedding their old thought patterns and they'll return like I really feel this person could not not
return based on everything you've done for them they're returning
grateful and only Divine timing will show what that looks like or how it
comes about but I just need you to trust like if you're the the person that was almost like Mentor like I need you to
trust this season with all of your heart and I need you to
like just Embrace how much you've done you're going to see how much you've done
because I feel like this person is very very grateful for your energy yes you help them Ascend you help them navigate their
boat maybe navigate life like that's huge
that's huge that is beautiful oh my goodness I don't think
I've ever had a reading that I love more than this one I don't say that easily but this is
really good I'm going to grab this deck and I'm
probably going to call it a day
wow inner child healing that's why I refer to you much like a
parent inner child this is about healing their inner child this is 1,00% a soulmate I'm not
even playing with y'all it is secret admirer in the reverse
Dark Knight of the soul I feel like it's no secret to you
that you they admire you celebration this is a good outcome though I feel
like this person avoided a deep sense of healing for a while this person could
have even fled to someone in the physical world as a sense of distraction from doing this healing it's like oh my
person is gone let me flee to this individual to figure to avoid what I
need to do it's like I'm getting an avoidant it's like they went to someone else to maybe cope with not going
through this dark night that they need to go through and I feel like there's something celebratory out the other end
but they need to do this soul searching it's like looking at the things that were so hard to look at once upon a time
but essential to my growth and me being able to return to this individual and
you know not only being proud of myself but like just a better human being overall and it's like you've
always seen this in them like I really feel someone who's always seen you know the potential in someone
wanting that for them and it's so challenging it is challenging to have someone around you who knows that you
could be a healthier version of yourself but not being ready to do it but now
it's like they need to figure out when that is for themselves yeah New Perspective what did I say
about shedding an old mindset you helped them gain A New Perspective family
concerns self- sabotage yeah this person acknowledges that they did for a while
but they're gaining A New Perspective and it's changing the self-sabotaging
traits message from Spirit they ignored it
this person had guidance not just yours this person had maybe intuitive messages
dreams okay gut feelings they've ignored them it's like this person knew the
answer all along but they needed to come to it themselves they need to learn to accept
the guidance that has been given to them stuck coming up crooked to unstuck
themselves like soulmate I'm telling you you were there to help them
release this sense of like stagnancy and stuck and repetitive Loop in their life
and you've done your work Push Pull energy in the reverse open
up I feel this being like
um an interaction when they no longer resist this internal change that is so
necessary I feel this person eventually wants to return and open up to you about about what they've gone through when
they're no longer codependent to either their external environment or even
you Epiphany beautiful Beau I love this reading I'm going to leave it there um just keep doing what you're doing if you
felt like you were the person that was almost like a student uh where
spirituality is concerned or if you feel like you were the mentor I feel like I'm attracting both for some
reason either position you're in like we're never too old to learn and even
the mentors learn in that it's like you'd be dumb to think that teachers don't learn
from kids you'd be really silly to think that that learning is on the Stu a student is
never beneath a teacher in the sense that they both learn through interacting with each other maybe a teacher learns
patience maybe a teacher learns Compassion maybe a teacher learns what it's like to be like a kid again you can
never underestimate and think that the the dumb one is the student and the teacher
is higher than no I promise you I promise you it reminds me of like when my little
brother would run across the school and there was this teacher who had little to no empathy like he fell he hurt himself
and it was insane to me when I saw how apathetic she was and like I was like
how is she a teacher but these kids are teaching her to soften her energy to be
patient and like be more considerate of others like it was crazy she was definitely giving me munchable energy
from Matilda but it's like she was there for a reason because she needed to learn through these
kids as well okay so that could be a message for
a student in this story but that could also be a message for the mentor in this story never think that either position
means that one is is learning more than the other
no like humble your
energy but also don't put yourself on the lower end of the spectrum don't put
anyone on a pedestal okay it's like everybody has
certain things that they're good at and and just try to connect and learn and grow and they're doing the same in
return like you'd be surprised soulmates they learn from each other it's never one being better than the other don't do
that okay so that's what I have for you I really hope this resonated this is a beautiful uh Sunday's message take care
of yourselves bong sang as we say and until next time bye
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