Michael Wolff on Jeffrey Epstein Tapes: 'I Was Donald Trump's Closest Friend'!

28 days ago

Michael Wolff Podcast!

Explosive tapes recorded by author Michael Wolff show Epstein claiming Trump liked to “Fuck” his friends’ wives and first slept with Melania on the “Lolita Express.”

Jeffrey Epstein described himself as Donald Trump’s “closest friend” and claimed intimate knowledge of his proclivity for sex, including cuckolding his best friends, according to recordings obtained exclusively by the Daily Beast.

The convicted pedophile even boasted of his closeness to Trump and his now-wife Melania by claiming, “the first time he slept with her was on my plane,” which was dubbed the Lolita Express.

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New recordings cast more light on Donald Trump's long relationship with Epstein and will add to debate over the character of the Republican candidate, especially his attitudes and conduct towards women, just days before the election.

Michael Wolff's Fire and Fury Podcast:

The Daily Beast
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