California Doesn’t Know Where $24B For Homeless Crisis Went, Audit Reveals

2 months ago

Governor Gavin Newsom and the state of California have no idea where $24 billion in taxpayer money went, according to a new audit by the state auditor. The money was supposed to be spent on addressing the homelessness crisis in the state over the last five years, but records were not kept.
Since 2019 homelessness increased by 30,000 people to 181,000 – meaning California spent the equivalent of about $160,000 per person over the last five years to make the problem worse.
According to the audit, one of the issues is a significant lack of oversight and information about homelessness spending, as the state failed to track the spending and the outcomes of it.
“The State lacks current information on the ongoing costs and outcomes of its homelessness programs, because [it] has not consistently tracked and evaluated the State’s efforts to prevent and end homelessness. . . . [The state] has also not aligned its action plan to end homelessness with its statutory goals to collect financial information and ensure accountability and results. Thus, it lacks assurance that the actions it takes will effectively enable it to achieve those goals.”
Gov. Newsom recently moved into a $9.6 million dollar home

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