When Status Epilepticus 1/2 Cured Catatonia For 24 Hours

3 months ago

He did things he hadn't in years. Walked outside. rolled outside. Sat down at the dinner table like normal and had dinner with us instead of having his dinner off in a chair or bed somewhere -that is not the dinner table. So that was pretty picture worthy in my, mom's, mind. At around 24 hours -the Catatonia returned to its normal level of strength, which is much more severe than this. He went into status epilepticus everyday, for the next 2 days -until a local hero (Dr. Cutlip) had him air lifted down state to a less rural hospital because the status epilepticus would not stop without medicines so sedative that he needed a tube to breathe for him. Which is all we got, in reality. I mean, if medicine were a perfect science, we would be Jesus. But it's not & we're not, so the good Doctor explained that to me. That the medicines we have to stop seizures get more sedative as they try to stop the seizures, if that last one didn't work. So shortly after this he wound up on a breathing tube as some heroes worked on him. That was July. He has recovered from the random episodes of many seizures, status epilepticus. It is November, nearly Thanksgiving now -2024. He has a peg now, it helps in being sure he gets that medicine to stop the seizures that could kill him. He is still hoping amongst the heroes (in the hospital).

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