Maximize Your Home Value Understanding Relevant Sales

3 months ago

All right show me the comps show me the comps show me the comps Comparables comparables comparables Wrong word Relevant relevant relevant Not comparable sales relevant sales Who cares about comparable sales The appraiser So what does the appraisal have to do with what we're going to ask for the market They have to come see the house they have to love the house And then they have to put in the offer for the house and then they have to maybe fight for the house and raise their price and make their conditions better right So what I'm telling you right now is if I come to you and I say well you've got a 3bedroom 2bath and here's all of your comparable 3bedroom 2baths in this neighborhood in this community right I'm doing you a disservice What we should be looking at is hey relevant sale There was a condo 2 blocks away that sold for two hundred thousand dollars and you want one point five million for your house There was a house that sold at 1 5000000 so that's a relevant sale Somebody's willing to pay one point five million to live in this neighborhood last month right So why wouldn't they this month Well let's see why they did on that one So what I'm saying is that you should go over all of the relevant sales because maybe that's a five bedroom 4 bathroom house with a pool and a view So now we should look at in your neighborhood in your area what is the bottom bottom price How much is the minimum that you can buy a house in this neighborhood for And we're definitely gonna get that much And how much is the most that anybody ever paid even if the house is better than what we're selling And we shouldn't expect to get that or close if that was a better product

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