Maximize Your Home Sale Pricing Strategies That Work

3 months ago

Alright so it's time to price your home Let me tell you right now there's purchase price which is what you sold it for because that came in on the purchase agreement and then there's the listing price right So Listing price is what we offer to the public Sometimes I offer to the public seven hundred and fifty and it purchase price is 800000 Sometimes I offer to the public seven hundred and then raise The public price the advertised price the 750 and that lets everybody know give us offers between seven hundred and 750 and we'll work and then I close at seven hundred and fifty right There's all kinds of strategies Every realtor that sits down with you they have their favorite strategy And let me tell you right now that most realtors not me but most of my competition are always looking for how do I do less work and make more money So picture this Hey can I underlist your house So that it's easy so that I can sell it quickly Or can I list it for what you want to sell it for And then we sit around and every single showing is important to us Every single person that sees the property I have to have a thorough conversation with vet them out follow up with them re-approach them if we have to reduce the price and see if they're still interested So it's a lot more work to ask for what you to get for it and then work your way down than it is to sell it for less right And they say we're gonna cause a bidding war and it's gonna go up And maybe it goes up but it's probably not gonna go up to where you would've gotten if you would've started at the top and worked down in this market today

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