Foreclosures Aren't Up, But Defaults Are Rising!

3 months ago

Alright are foreclosures up No foreclosures are not up But what is is notice of defaults Notice of defaults are up Tricky thing is is if you miss one payment let's say that you missed a January payment and then in February you make What you think is the January payment but what the bank says is that's the February payment So now March you're 60 days late on your January payment And you make in March what you think is your February payment So you think you're 30 days behind but actually when you get into April you're 90 days behind What comes at 90 days Notice the default Right Scares the smokes out of everybody Why aren't they foreclosing Because they're only one month behind Right So they figure it out They go get the money family gifts it whatever the case is Nobody wants to lose the house And in the scenario where they can't figure it out well they've got professionals like myself who can step in and stop the foreclosure process so that we can put it on the market get it sold right make them the most money possible It is their asset by the way It's not the bank's

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