TASMANIA: Dud politicians, vague gun laws and trafficking - all in the same room

4 months ago

IN THIS EPISODE OF GUN NEWS AUSTRALIA, we chat with the SFFP and SUA’s Phil Bigg, about the political problems continuing to face Tasmanian shooters.

We discuss the fight over antiques, firearms trafficking, and the vagueness of Tasmania’s firearm laws.

These are matters that Phil has fought hard to bring to the attention of Labor, the Liberals and the Jackie Lambie Network.

We run through the obscene changes Tasmania Police are proposing to make to firearm licence applications, and to any shooter wanting to renew their licence.

PLUS we look at the lie that police minister, Felix Ellis, said to shooters prior to the recent Tasmanian State Election when he committed the Liberal Government to ‘supporting law abiding firearm owners’ – when he’s done the opposite.

If you’re a shooter in Tasmania, help Phil by backing the SFFP (Tas only) and Shooters Union Australia. Don’t forget - SUA membership comes with insurance!

If you’re from a Tasmanian based shooting organisation, this interview should explain why you need to get behind Phil at the next election. He’s genuine, passionate – and he knows his way around Tasmania’s political system.

UDPDATE: The consultation period to comment on the proposed changes to the licensing form has now been extended to 6 December. Make sure you put your submission in! See our article at: https://politicsreloaded.com/2024/11/04/tasmania-shooters-set-to-cop-wa-style-application-form-update/
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