Young Boy Excited To Have A Baby Brother

6 years ago

Having a brother or a sister is such fun! You always have somebody to play with and to lean on when the times are tough! However, many of us, older sisters and brothers, were not so keen on getting a brother or a sister. I felt like my only child privilege is going to be wiped out by this funny little creature I love the most now. Life is so funny, would you agree?\n\nHowever, the boy in the video is here to prove us not everyone is afraid of having a sibling. As the video begins, we see him petting his mom’s belly and asking if his brother is in it. He seems so impatient to welcome him! Adorable! In the end, he says “Thank you, mommy”. The sight of this video melted my heart! Adorable! He will be the best big brother I’m sure! Are you with me on this?

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