Does Media's Trump Hysteria Only Exist In Our Minds? Are We THIS Stupid? 😳😂💥

3 months ago

POST-2024 ELECTION HYSTERIA GRIPS THE NATION! #DonaldTrump #TDS #newsmedia #leftists

CNN, ABC, CBS, pick the three-letter news media agency you want. You'll see the same thing: Absolute Trump HYSTERIA, and a narrative that the country is now under siege. But WHY are we falling for this, and will people realize that this "make believe" world they describe only exists in the minds of those who are willing to listen to it?

In this video, we're going to talk about how it seems like we are all being gaslit by the liberal news media, the sole source of the Trump Derangement Syndrome that has afflicted the nation. Are the three-letter news agencies making life unbearable for those who didn't see their candidate win the election? And are THEY the ones who are actually to blame for creating this dark atmosphere of fear and hysteria?

Let's jump into this discussion after we allow Freedom Toons to set the stage for us with yet another hilarious cartoon!

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