Episode 22 - Moves on the Grand Chessboard, Early 20th Century - Part I

3 months ago

**Fast forward to 1:25 to get past the intro**

I had trouble with my audio so the reel I played was hardly audible.

In this episode I cover significant historical events from the death of President McKinley’s Vice President in 1899, up through the first ever Bilderberg meeting in 1954.

My contention is that, all of these events may have been moves on the Grand Chessboard by the ruling elite, steering our country and culture down their desired path, ultimately culminating in The Great Reset and the establishment of World Government. We are at the front gates of this diabolical plan right now today. We are at Endgame, and only time will tell if we will be able to stop them from running these next few plays that are intended to plunge us into thermo-nuclear war, killing billions and paving the way for their final solution, complete subjugation of what is left of humanity.

Yes, we are that close.

As we march through history, these events as they occur, may feel like the random pushing and pulling of civilizations as we move through history. Often presented to us as random and coincidental, through media propaganda and reinforced by politicians, celebrities, influencers and just about anyone else with a voice and a following.

If you have studied the globalists agenda, much has been published and is readily available for anyone to read, you can begin to see patterns and correlations. The connections between these events and the underlying agenda become more obvious. That is what I am attempting to accomplish with this video.

Were the Globalists ruling class Oligarchs fingerprints on the death of William McKinley’s Vice President, so that they could install their preferred puppet Teddy Roosevelt – the first “Progressive” Republican, saving them from the scrutiny of a primary? Did they then assassinate McKinley shortly after his reelection to install their puppet Roosevelt as President without anyone having ever cast a single vote for him. Sound familiar?

This looks similar to the play they ran against Kennedy to get LBJ into office, and the unsuccessful play they ran against Reagan barely a month into his first term, in order to install their preferred puppet George H.W. Bush.

These are not coincidences. They run these plays on us all the time. Not just here in America, but all around the world. Wherever there are precious resources that they want to get their hands on. Or alliances that they need to create to foment conflict to further their agenda, as they have been doing the last 2+ years in Ukraine.

Did the ruling class Oligarchs intentionally sink the Lusitania in 1915 as a false flag to gain support for the United States entry into World War I? Did Woodrow Wilson and his accomplices need something that would give him a good enough reason to join the war, even though he was elected President on the slogan “he kept us from war?”

Questions like these, and many others, are addressed in this video, and once you see the totality of it laid out end to end it is hard to argue anything else. There has long been a hidden hand guiding policy and dictating outcomes, all to their benefit, for a very long time.

If you are not familiar with this plan, check out Episode 6 – Pawns in the Game, where I discuss the original 25 point plan to control the world, hatched by Mayer Rothschild and the ruling elites in England in 1773. Read the 25 points and you see their plan lining up almost perfectly with how history has unfolded.

Coincidence? Sure, whatever. Read it and see for yourself.

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See below for links to source documents used in making this video:

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