Inspector Hanaud: The House of the Arrow by A. E. W. Mason. BBC RADIO DRAMA

3 months ago

The House of the Arrow
When a wealthy widow dies suddenly, the finger of suspicion points at her adopted daughter, Betty Harlowe. Her English lawyer, Frobisher, calls in Inspector Hanaud, who has come to Dijon to investigate a spate of poison-pen letters. Can he unravel the mystery surrounding the House of the Arrow?
Inspector Hanaud ...... Richard Pasco
Jim Frobisher ...... Benedick Blythe
Betty Harlowe ...... Moir Leslie
Ann Upcott ...... Deborah Makepeace
Francine Rollard ...... Carole Boyd
Boris Waberski/Girardot ...... Alfredo Michelsen
Carlos Espinosa/Gaston ...... Clive Panto
Maurice Thevenet ...... Mark Jones
Written by A. E. W. Mason
Adapted for radio by Alan Downer
Directed by Christopher Venning
Music composed and directed by Terence Allbright
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in February 1984

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