This is what happens when a "disbelieving" man retires too early.

3 months ago

And of course the 'dis' belongs to the main stream narrative. And then some. If I believe you cannot be rich and famous without selling out...nah, I don't think Block McCloud or Vinnie Paz are rich and famous. Known, but only by those that want to hear them. Also, old men blather on. Yeah,not looking forward to those days. Luckily though no one listens to me anyway. Three ex-wives who gave me nicknames and 4 children who I can't even talk about because of broken heart issues and then we just move on out that concentric circle of hate(not my hate by any means) but a hate directed at me that I fully accept as being responsible(not 100%,ok?)shit, where was I? Well I back track for no man. GooD NighT.and remember. You never heard a dementia patient complain so I'm assuming it ain't that bad. But then again grandma did paint her walls ashitty brown color.

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