Protect your newborns. Homebirth.

3 months ago

Why are Newborns Given Erythromycin and Hepatitis B Shots? — “YouTube will Demonetize this video for what you just said..”

• Within hours or when a child is born, a child is subjected to pharmaceutical intervention
—— a new newborns eyes are smeared with Erythromycin Ointment
—— a newborn is given the Hepatitis B shot

• Erythromycin Ointment is to prevent gonorrhea or chlamydia infections of the eyes.
—— why would a newborn need this if the mother does not have these STD’s?

• Hepatitis B is a sexually transmitted disease, and from IV drug abusers
—— Why would a newborn need this if parents are healthy and do not have Hepatitis B?

🔴 WHY WOULD you treat your child for illnesses they don’t have?

• Pure Economics 💰— each vaccine that gets on the childhood vaccination schedule, it generates hundreds of billions of dollars

“Working in the Pharma industry, it’s a huge economic imperative to get more and more vaccines on the schedule..

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