Brian Harvey does Matt Taylor...

2 months ago

“I mean, I’ll tell you right now. Up front before we even go to anything else. This guy (Tom Cahill) is going to be no different to all the others. Yeah, all of your um, you know even Matt Taylor, I think he’s in this as well. As a matter of fact I’m fucking sure he is, because he come out, 2013-2014, putting videos up that he made in iMovie, “Matt Taylor for Prime Minister”, and I thought who’s this geezer? And then all the other trolls, even back then appeared to be putting the boot into him, like what they are today, you know or, and he takes it a bit too well for it to be real, so, my view, he’s in the pot with Puddick and all the rest of them, he’s another one who’s just out there now. I like him, it's a shame because he could exist doing what he does in a mainstream capacity, but I believe he’ll be NCA’d just like the rest, you know, and him going to Court and coming out, and one news thing there, they just sent down there, I think it could be all bullshit. After I’ve seen this thing with Andrew Ash, it's made me question everything, and I think it's right to question everything now.”

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