Who Is The True Enemy Of Our Country?

3 months ago

Listen as today’s guest, political activist Tony Papert, shares his 50 plus years experience, regarding who the true enemy of our country actually is!

Tony is a leader of the LaRouche Political Action Committee, author of many articles and host of numerous YouTube presentations. Today Tony imparts his knowledge regarding our actual enemy, and by “enemy” I mean the enemy of our country, our constitution, free speech, and the life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness our constitution was created to ensure.

And I’ll tell you something, it’s not Russia, China, Biden, the democrats, the liberals, or any of the useful idiots this enemy uses to control us. But what we’re talking about today are those antisocial personalities who are behind these useful idiots and directing them, and Tony is going to go into their history, how they came to be and what to do about them.

And 2 final points regarding this enemy:

What this enemy is doing is absolutely intentional.
If we don’t change the path we’re on, we’re in for a very feudalistic future where they will be the royals and lords and we will be their serfs!

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